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What are SEO Services?

To know SEO Services first of all we must have the knowledge about SEO and what does it stands for?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic rather than the direct traffic or paid traffic.

SEO services are the search engine optimization services which are aimed to increase visibility and ultimately biotic search traffic to websites. SEO services help any company to succeed in search engine optimization with the aim to increase your revenue. These are often provided by agencies or freelancers who are experts in all aspects of SEO.


Search engines account for about 93 percent of all site traffic. You must be indexed on major search engines and rated highly if you want your website to be found. Here are some more Google and search engine-related facts:

  • Seventy-five percent of searchers never get past the first page of search engine results (SERPs)
  • Every day, Google handles approximately 5.8 billion searches.
  • Every year, Google handles about 2 trillion searches.
  • Position 1 in search results has a click-through rate of 19.3 percent, while position 2 has a click-through rate of 10.57 percent.
  • Every year, 16-20% of all searches are for the first time.
  • Mobile devices account for 60% of all Google searches.
  • Google controls 95 percent of the mobile search engine market.

What does an SEO service cover?

To get more organic traffic we must follow the process of an SEO strategy.

A good SEO company should typically include the following in their SEO promises. Here are some steps to create an SEO strategy.

Step 1: Create a list of keywords

Keyword research is usually the first step of any SEO strategy. Start typing keywords into Google’s search field, and it will populate a list of suggestions.

There are two types of keywords: long tail keywords and short tail keywords. Long tail keywords tend to be less competitive than short tail keywords.

Step 2: Analyze Google’s first page

Ok, now you found a handful of keywords.

This is the time to see who had already ranked for those keywords.

To do that, you must type one of the keywords that you found into Google.

Step 3: Create something different or better.

This is the time to create super high- quality content.

If it comes to SEO content you must think about two options:

Option 1: Either you create something different.

Option 2: Or you can create something better.

Sometimes you want to create something bigger and better than what is out there.

But sometimes you are better off with content which is completely different and unique

For example: if you published an ultimate guide to mobile optimization. And because my content stood out, it got a ton of shares so, if you want to create something that is already ranking on the first page of Google?

Step 4: Add a hook.

If you want to improve your search engine rankings you need to figure out why people link to specific pieces of content and include hooks in your content.

Step 5: Optimize for on-page SEO

This step is all about keyword-optimizing your content for SEO. It involves aligning page-specific elements like headings, content, and internal links with keywords.

Step 6: Optimize for search intent.

You can publish content with search intent in mind right out of the gate. Most of the content ranking for “SEO audit” listed out non-technical steps so include simple strategies that anyone can use and this search intend optimization help post to crack the first page of google within a few days.

Step 7: Focus on content design.

The design might be the most underrated part of content marketing. The great content design does not have to break the bank. In fact, here are four types of visual content that are super easy to pull off. They are graphs and charts, screenshots and pictures, Blog post banners and graphics and visualization and these four things help a designer to make this concept easy and to understand.

Step 8: Build links to your page.

Now, it’s time to actively build links to your content. In the field of search engine optimization, link building describes actions and aims to increase the number and quality of inbound links to a webpage with the goal of increasing the search engine rankings of that page or website.

Step 9: Improve and update your content.

To increase the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and boost your search engine traffic, you can just update your old content and give yourself improved fresh scores. When you tell Google your content is new, you’ll get a spike in traffic that will make the tiny amount of work required well worth it. Updating your content provides a lot of different benefits.

Reasons why SEO services are important?

SEO can help your brand stand above others as a trustworthy company and further improve the user’s experience with your brand and website. Followings are the reasons why SEO services are important:

  • Visibility and rankings: when searching for a service or product online, users are more likely to choose one of the top five suggestions that the search engine shows them. SEO helps you rank higher in search results and garner more visibility online, making potential customers more likely to click over to your site and convert.
  • Web-traffic: To put it simply -if potential customers can’t find your website, sales opportunities are being missed. SEO increases your organic search engine traffic in turn increasing the number of visitors your page sees each day. This directly correlates to an increase in sales because the more relevant people that see your site, the more likely you are to sell to them.
  • Trustworthy: The better your SEO score is, the higher you’ll appear on search engines like google and Bing. While ranking higher on google is appealing to all brands because on increased visibility a secondhand benefit is the trust you gain with potential customers. Users tend to defer to the recommendations that a search engine generates, so having a higher position for the keywords a user is searching for, in turn, solidifies your product or service as trustworthy in the user’s mind.
  • User experience: A well-optimized website clearly communicates what product or services is being offered, how to obtain it and build to the user’s experience, search engines like google and bing are able to easily pull the information they need to then relay to users. If a user struggles to navigate your site, chances are that search engines do as well.
  • Growth: There’s no doubt about it, SEO is the key growth of your brand. As we mentioned above, the higher you rank on search engines for a variety of high-volume keywords, the more organic web traffic your site will receive. People are also more likely to then share your brand across other social platforms like Facebook or Instagram through search engines.


Finally, we come to know that SEO services are an important consideration to help optimize a website for search engines. Keyword, content, domain and social media are important areas to be analyzed. So, visibility and rankings, web-traffic, trust-worthy, user experience and growth are the reasons why SEO services are important.

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