Holiday Giveback Gallery
We are continuously amazed by the force of good our BW Team Members are in their communities. This year, many participated in our Holiday Giveback program. Using the fund, our team members were able to help others and share a spirit of giving and kindness during the festive season. As you check out the gallery of community impact stories below, we hope you are also inspired to bring kindness to your community.Â

Sheryl and her family used the funds to create gift bags for families staying with their newborns at the local NICU.

This opportunity was especially meaningful as Sheryl’s son was a patient there just 10 years ago. The family was able to reconnect with the nurse and doctor who treated him years ago.

The children with the bags for the NICU families.

“I was able to purchase a whole bunch of supplies for local homeless youth and hygiene product for local women in need.”-Utah

“With the help of our local community facebook page, we went to a rural school and distributed stationaries to the students and the school.”

Distributing stationary in Nepal.

Distributing stationary in Nepal

Distributing stationary in Nepal

“With the funds from this program I was able to pick up supplies for a donation drive at my local coffee shop. All donations are going to the local women’s shelter, and it was awesome to be able to get so many resources for them.”

Donations for the local women’s shelter.

“Spreading a little Joy with the BW giveback program! Was able to buy presents for the rest of the angel tree at my mom’s office.”

Food For Local School Children

With the help of my parents, I participated in the BW giveback program. We provided the fund for orphanage which will be used to provide food and clothes to the children living there.”

“We got friends and kids involved! We did a big grocery and hygiene items shop and had kids put together bins. “

“Then we took to local organization and donated. It was amazing to have so many people involved and definitely brought the holiday spirit.”-Toronto, Canada

“I am very fond of dogs. So in collaboration with a foundation that serves for the protection of street animals ,named “Situsit foundation”, the donated amount was used for food and spaying campaign, and remaining was used as fund for providing them shelter and medicines.”

Food for animals at the shelter.

BW team members volunteering and feeding dogs at the local shelter.-Nepal

A cat receiving Medicine.

Working with a local school in Nepal.

Working with a local school in Nepal.

Working with a local school in Nepal.

“We’ve been able to befriend many of the homeless population here in Laguna Beach during our walks around our hometown and the holiday giveback program has provided us the wonderful opportunity to assist them directly in a variety of fashions!”

Patrick went on a clothing shopping spree for a local Colorado donation center, and then donated the rest of the funds to dementia research.