What is the current state of EVENTTECH?

How are event professionals choosing technology in 2024? Boldpush and BW Events Tech have partnered to bring you The State of EVENTTECH 2024 Report.


Download now to learn where eventtech is heading, and strategies you can leverage to improve your events. 

The State of EVENTTECH 2024

What's inside:

What's inside:

  • Research: What technology eventprofs choose
  • The Event Tech Ecosystem – who are the movers and shakers?
  • How eventprofs use AI
  • Choosing Eventtech: Then vs. Now
  • The eventtech selection ladder
  • Anatomy of a demo – a tech selection template

How can BW Events Tech help you with your tech stack?

Event tech can be stressful. With our platform agnostic approach we can take a look at what you’re using and make recommendations to help you love 100% of your tech stack.

Event tech consulting

Platform management
and implementation

Custom solutions
and developmens

On-Site event
tech management

Looking for additional help?

At BW Events tech we are doers, who are trained as event tech experts, and can jump in to help at ANY point in your event tech journey on ANY platform.

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